Things which we can learn from the movie "5 Feet Apart"

Five Feet Apart is a 2019 American Romantic Drama film inspired from the story of Claire Wineland.

This film is a love story with having different aspects covered like the value of life and living a life where it's very hard to keep the faith, and a life where you cannot do anything which you wanted just because you can't leave hospital most of the times.

This movie is a love story of Stella and WILL, who fall in love with each other being CF patients, and this movie shows us how it's like to love someone without getting physical to them or close to them because the patients of CF have to maintain a distance of 6 feet from each other to prevent bacterial infections from the each other.

WILL always had pessimistic perception about his life, and he was not afraid of death and that's why he even stopped taking his regular medications which were important for him to survive, which shows that he stopped caring about his life.

On the contrary, Stella always had an optimistic perception towards the life, she knew there were some things which she can't control in life.

So, instead of dwelling in problems which she can't solve, she decided to focus on the things which she can do something about and that actually matters in her life.

Hence, she also started posting her experience by creating videos about CF on social platforms to educate people about CF and to share her experience and perspective about her life,

In short Stella valued her life too much that she wanted to live and that's why she and her family were doing every possible thing to cure her CF.

But after meeting WILL, Stella realized the value of love, and she then realized that she just wants to love and don't wanna play safe all the now, she wants to be free from fear of death to experience the love,

And that's why she touched him without caring about the 6 feet distance with they have to maintain with each other.

It was one of the best moments for Stella and it was so special that she'd decided to drop the idea of lung transfer at that movement because not she was no longer concerned with living but she was more concerned about living in that movement with him.
but at last, Stella had a successful transplant and by that, she has freed herself from CF,

But for WILL, CF was not curable and he was about to die so he decided to go far away from her.
And which he did after explaining to her that he will keep loving her no matter what through a letter.

now here are the things which I've learned from this movie :

1. The Death

We never think about our death much because we as humans always want to have control over things and death is something which is inevitable.

but the people who suffer from chronic illness like CF and cancers knows the value of each breath because they know that this life can end any time.

That constant reminding of death results in a complete detachment from expectations which we used to have with this world and peoples.

hence, reminding regularly about the death is so far the best tool which I've encountered to keep myself stable and grounded in life, it helps us to take decisions which we are scared of but know that it's something which we should take.

2, Focus On What You Can Control.

Stella knew that she can die anytime, and that's why she valued her life, and time too much, and i think she might have realized that she should not focus on the things which she can't control which was death in her case, so she started living a life where she was doing everything which was in her control and not even complaining about the problems of life anymore.

3. A Good Perspective Towards True love

I'm not saying by watching this movie i understood what true love is , it's just like this movie portrays love in very strong way that it's mostly opposite from what we see today.

This movie showed how two humans can love each other without expectations, without even touching each other , and allowing other to let go ,

4. Why Being Optimistic Is Important To Live A Good Life

Stella was portrayed optimistic in the movie but on the other hand WILL was negative about his            condition, he don't want to suffer more of this CF, and that's why he stopped taking his medications        and start talking things which only a depressed or suicidal person can say.

I'm not saying WILL was wrong, he was absolutely right about everything and even what could we expect from a dying person but the problem which i think was in his perspective about the life, when STELLA sees the world as colorful he sees everything as Black and While.

So, i think it's very important to keep an optimistic perspective towards life, because it's true that we're all gonna die someday but it doesn't mean that we should stop living this beautiful life.

So I hope you like this blog, thank you for giving your valuable time reading it,

If you have any suggestions or problems you can mention them down in the comments or you can always reach me through social media.



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